Hi there, I’m Michelle Linton, founder of The Lillian Smith Educational Foundation (TLSEF).
The goal behind building this organization is to provide underprivileged youths with the financial assistance needed to continue their educational goals. My mother, Lillian Smith, was a natural born educator who never had the opportunity to advance her education due to circumstances beyond her control. She took every chance she got to impart any knowledge to all, including her children. She would provide advice, educational resources including cash and kind to ensure that children got the necessary educational assistance they needed to advance themselves. Unfortunately, my mother passed away on May 12, 2014, so I am continuing her legacy by building TLSEF so that more young people can have access to better lives and education.
I invite you all to join me in this journey!
The TLSEF foundation is proud to present our first awardees from the Grange Hill Primary School, Jamaica. An award of US$1000 was presented to the school to purchase tablets for students to take classes virtually.
- Nathan Cole.
- Shanoya Rodney
- Donique Frazier.
The award was made possible by generous donations from our partners, and we are delighted that this has been able to happen at such an early stage in the project. We look forward to seeing more of our partners come forward in the future as we continue with this important initiative.